Light of My Life
Materialized by Ian Li on Saturday, December 21st 2024.
I smile. She waves. A train cuts between us. I become a beam of light, bouncing off the top of the staircase to reach her platform. She’s still there. We grab coffee. She’s a physicist. Light is a particle, etching our each encounter on speckled film. Glittering sunrises, flickering candlelight dinners, holiday lanterns. Under dusky moonlight, she shares news with a gleam in her eye. Not the glow of pregnancy—she landed a professorship abroad, tenure track. We’re different wavelengths. Light is a wave, illuminating two paths, diffracting into many outcomes. She’s beside me, but she’s also on the departing train. She waves. I smile.
Ian Li (he/him) is a Chinese-Canadian writer, poet, economist, and developer. Find his writing published or forthcoming in Abyss & Apex, Orion's Belt, Small Wonders, among other venues. Learn more at
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